Step 2: Installation of Server service

1. Install libraries of optimization problems

You can move to classic-functions directory and install the libraries of the optimization problems.
LINUX> cd $NETSOLVE_ROOT/C++examples/gaExample/server/classic-functions
LINUX> aclocal
LINUX> autoheader-2.53
LINUX> autoconf-2.53
LINUX> automake
LINUX> ./configure --prefix=$NETSOLVE_ROOT/C++examples/gaExample/server
LINUX> make
LINUX> make install

2. Assign the problems into NetSolve

First, set the environment variable CLASSIC_FUNCTIONS_PATH.
LINUX> export CLASSIC_FUNCTIONS_PATH=$NETSOLVE_ROOT/C++examples/gaExample/server
Then copy the PDF files from $CLASSIC_FUNCTIONS_PATH/NetSolve/problems into $NETSOLVE_ROOT/problems.
Then, you can add the following lines into @PROBLEMS of $NETSOLVE_ROOT/server_config .
You can perform make server in $NETSOLVE_ROOT directory and service-rastrigin and others should be generated in $NETSOLVE_ROOT/bin/$NETSOLVE_ARCH.
LINUX> make server

3. Install the server-config files

In these examples, there are five test functions;

  1. Rastrigin

  2. Schwefel

  3. Griewank

  4. Ridge

  5. Rosenbrock

We prepare five different configuration files, one for each function. Therefore, you can choose your function at each server. The configuration files are located at $NETSOLVE_ROOT/C++examples/gaExample/server/NetSolve/server_config/ You can copy these files into $NETSOLVE_ROOT directory.
LINUX>cp $NETSOLVE_ROOT/C++examples/gaExample/server/NetSolve/server_config/* $NETSOLVE_ROOT
After finishing the copy, you can edit the files. At least, you should change the value for @AGENT to point to your own NetSolve agent.