PLASMA  2.4.5
PLASMA - Parallel Linear Algebra for Scalable Multi-core Architectures
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2 *
3 * -- LAPACK test routine (version 3.1) --
4 * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd..
5 * November 2006
6 *
7 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
8  CHARACTER*3 type
9  INTEGER nfail, nout, nrun, nerrs
10 * ..
11 *
12 * Purpose
13 * =======
14 *
15 * ALASUM prints a summary of results from one of the -CHK- routines.
16 *
17 * Arguments
18 * =========
19 *
20 * TYPE (input) CHARACTER*3
21 * The LAPACK path name.
22 *
23 * NOUT (input) INTEGER
24 * The unit number on which results are to be printed.
25 * NOUT >= 0.
26 *
27 * NFAIL (input) INTEGER
28 * The number of tests which did not pass the threshold ratio.
29 *
30 * NRUN (input) INTEGER
31 * The total number of tests.
32 *
33 * NERRS (input) INTEGER
34 * The number of error messages recorded.
35 *
36 * =====================================================================
37 *
38 * .. Executable Statements ..
39 *
40  IF( nfail.GT.0 ) THEN
41  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9999 )type, nfail, nrun
42  ELSE
43  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9998 )type, nrun
44  END IF
45  IF( nerrs.GT.0 ) THEN
46  WRITE( nout, fmt = 9997 )nerrs
47  END IF
48 *
49  9999 format( 1x, a3, ': ', i6, ' out of ', i6,
50  $ ' tests failed to pass the threshold' )
51  9998 format( /1x, 'All tests for ', a3,
52  $ ' routines passed the threshold (', i6, ' tests run)' )
53  9997 format( 6x, i6, ' error messages recorded' )
54  return
55 *
56 * End of ALASUM
57 *
58  END