No Matches
PAPI Fortran Low Level API

Data Structures

class  PAPIF_accum
 accumulate and reset counters in an event set More...
class  PAPIF_add_event
 add PAPI preset or native hardware event to an event set More...
class  PAPIF_add_named_event
 add PAPI preset or native hardware event to an event set by name More...
class  PAPIF_add_events
 add multiple PAPI presets or native hardware events to an event set More...
class  PAPIF_cleanup_eventset
 empty and destroy an EventSet More...
class  PAPIF_create_eventset
 create a new empty PAPI EventSet More...
class  PAPIF_assign_eventset_component
 assign a component index to an existing but empty EventSet More...
class  PAPIF_destroy_eventset
 empty and destroy an EventSet More...
class  PAPIF_get_dmem_info
 get information about the dynamic memory usage of the current program More...
class  PAPIF_get_exe_info
 get information about the dynamic memory usage of the current program More...
class  PAPIF_get_hardware_info
 get information about the system hardware More...
class  PAPIF_num_hwctrs
 Return the number of hardware counters on the cpu. More...
class  PAPIF_num_cmp_hwctrs
 Return the number of hardware counters on the specified component. More...
class  PAPIF_get_real_cyc
 Get real time counter value in clock cycles. More...
class  PAPIF_get_real_usec
 Get real time counter value in microseconds. More...
class  PAPIF_get_real_nsec
 Get real time counter value in nanoseconds. More...
class  PAPIF_get_virt_cyc
 Get virtual time counter value in clock cycles. More...
class  PAPIF_get_virt_usec
 Get virtual time counter value in microseconds. More...
class  PAPIF_is_initialized
 Check for initialization. More...
class  PAPIF_library_init
 Initialize the PAPI library. More...
class  PAPIF_thread_id
 Get the thread identifier of the current thread. More...
class  PAPIF_register_thread
 Notify PAPI that a thread has 'appeared'. More...
class  PAPIF_unregister_thread
 Notify PAPI that a thread has 'disappeared'. More...
class  PAPIF_thread_init
 Initialize thread support in the PAPI library. More...
class  PAPI_list_events
 list the events in an event set More...
class  PAPIF_multiplex_init
 Initialize multiplex support in the PAPI library. More...
class  PAPIF_get_multiplex
 Get the multiplexing status of specified event set. More...
class  PAPIF_set_multiplex
 Convert a standard event set to a multiplexed event set. More...
class  PAPIF_perror
 Convert PAPI error codes to strings, and print error message to stderr. More...
class  PAPIF_query_event
 Query if PAPI event exists. More...
class  PAPIF_query_named_event
 Query if named PAPI event exists. More...
class  PAPIF_get_event_info
 Get the event's name and description info. More...
class  PAPIF_event_code_to_name
 Convert a numeric hardware event code to a name. More...
class  PAPIF_event_name_to_code
 Convert a name to a numeric hardware event code. More...
class  PAPIF_num_events
 Enumerate PAPI preset or native events. More...
class  PAPIF_enum_event
 Return the number of events in an event set. More...
class  PAPIF_read
 Read hardware counters from an event set. More...
class  PAPIF_read_ts
 Read hardware counters with a timestamp. More...
class  PAPIF_remove_event
 Remove a hardware event from a PAPI event set. More...
class  PAPIF_remove_named_event
 Remove a named hardware event from a PAPI event set. More...
class  PAPIF_remove_events
 Remove an array of hardware event codes from a PAPI event set. More...
class  PAPIF_reset
 Reset the hardware event counts in an event set. More...
class  PAPIF_set_debug
 Set the current debug level for error output from PAPI. More...
class  PAPIF_set_domain
 Set the default counting domain for new event sets bound to the cpu component. More...
class  PAPIF_set_cmp_domain
 Set the default counting domain for new event sets bound to the specified component. More...
class  PAPIF_set_granularity
 Set the default counting granularity for eventsets bound to the cpu component. More...
class  PAPIF_set_cmp_granularity
 Set the default counting granularity for eventsets bound to the specified component. More...
class  PAPIF_shutdown
 finish using PAPI and free all related resources. More...
class  PAPIF_start
 Start counting hardware events in an event set. More...
class  PAPIF_state
 Return the counting state of an EventSet. More...
class  PAPIF_stop
 Stop counting hardware events in an EventSet. More...
class  PAPIF_write
 Write counter values into counters. More...
class  PAPIF_lock
 Lock one of two mutex variables defined in papi.h. More...
class  PAPIF_unlock
 Unlock one of the mutex variables defined in papi.h. More...
class  PAPIF_get_clockrate
 Get the clockrate in MHz for the current cpu. More...
class  PAPIF_get_preload
 Get the LD_PRELOAD environment variable. More...
class  PAPIF_get_granularity
 Get the granularity setting for the specified EventSet. More...
class  PAPIF_get_domain
 Get the domain setting for the specified EventSet. More...
class  PAPIF_set_event_domain
 Set the default counting domain for specified EventSet. More...
class  PAPIF_set_inherit
 Turn on inheriting of counts from daughter to parent process. More...
class  PAPIF_ipc
 Get instructions per cycle, real and processor time. More...
class  PAPIF_epc
 Get named events per cycle, real and processor time, reference and core cycles. More...
class  PAPIF_flips_rate
 Simplified call to get Mflips/s (floating point instruction rate), real and processor time. More...
class  PAPIF_flops_rate
 Simplified call to get Mflops/s (floating point instruction rate), real and processor time. More...
class  PAPIF_rate_stop
 Stop a running event set of a rate function. More...
class  PAPIF_enum_dev_type
 returns handle of next device type More...
class  PAPIF_get_dev_type_attr
 returns device type attributes More...
class  PAPIF_get_dev_attr
 returns device attributes More...

Detailed Description